Celso Cancela Outeda
Celso Cancela Outeda is a Professor of Political Science at the Faculty of Public Management, University of Vigo. He holds a PhD in Law.
His research interests lie in the political and constitutional aspects of the European integration process (constitutional and political dimension, reform, and institutional evolution of the EU), territorial and cross-border cooperation, and the external action of sub-state entities (paradiplomacy). Now, he is focused on aspects related to the digitalization and AI in the EU context. He has been actively involved in diverse research projects. At present, he is part of the Baltic Chain project, too.
He currently holds the Jean Monnet Chair European Institutions and Citizens: Adapting the EU to the Digitalisation Challenges (EICAEUD). In the past, he served as the holder of the Jean Monnet Chair Understanding the European Union in the 21st Century (2014-17) and two Jean Monnet Modules (2004-07; 2011-14) addressing constitutional dimensions.
He has published numerous articles and book chapters, including the following recent publications: «Galician Paradiplomacy (1981-2021): A General Description and Ten Final Notes» (2023); «Inteligencia Artificial: nuevas posibilidades para las relaciones entre la UE y el Mercosur» (2023); «Factors for the Digitalization of Political Parties in Portugal and Spain: A Comparative Perspective» (2022) (with B. González and C. Cordal); «The Post-crisis European Union Before the Political Union: Coordinates and Keys of the Future Institutional Architecture» (2020).
He has also held academic representation and management positions. Currently, he is the editor-in-chief of the journal Tempo Exterior.